Love Unexpected

Richard and Cara*, a beautiful Millennial couple filled with hope, faith, and love, were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby. Like many expectant parents, they were excited about their upcoming addition and decided they wanted a home birth with a midwife.

A few weeks before their baby was due, Richard checked their insurance to confirm that it covered a home birth. To their shock, Richard discovered that their insurance not only did not cover a home delivery, but it also did not cover a hospital delivery. Suddenly, Richard and Cara found themselves in crisis mode and a tailspin.

A friend told Richard about Love In the Name of Christ of Montgomery County (Love INC or LINC MoCo). Desperate, he called LINC MoCo. After completing the intake process, which focused on encouraging Richard and Cara that God was aware of their situation and would find a solution for them, LINC MoCo referred them back to their local church, a partner church well-equipped to help in situations like this.

The church’s benevolence team immediately stepped in. They assessed the financial needs, contacted references, and confirmed a delivery plan. The team didn’t stop there; they also took time to assess Richard and Cara’s long-term needs.

Love INC also connected Richard and Cara to their legal services partner Good Samaritan Advocates to assist with immigration and other legal issues. Cara had not seen her family back in her home country for many years. She was longing to share the joy of her marriage and pregnancy with her loved ones.

With the church covering delivery costs, Cara was busy nesting and finalizing plans for delivery. Cara developed complications, which accelerated the plan. An emergency C-section was now needed several weeks before she was due to have the baby. Thanks to the work the benevolence team had done, the medical services were covered, allowing Richard and Cara to fully focus on their growing family.

Cara delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy! The local church embraced this young couple, joining in the celebration of their new son’s birth. Since then, the church has also assisted Richard and Cara with budget coaching, as well as coordinating the provision of diapers, formula, and care during post-partum recovery.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

This local church’s care for Richard, Cara, and their firstborn baby is a shining example of a church that supports its members, not only in their immediate needs but for their long-term well-being. This is redemptive compassion.

*Names and photos are fictitious to protect the confidentiality of our neighbors

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