How to invest with
Love INC of Montgomery County

Love INC of Montgomery County helps churches help people, so every step of the way neighbors are met with dignity and respect, while churches are free to focus on serving according to their strengths knowing that each individual will be fully cared for by the body of Christ within their community.

Your investment in Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC) is leveraged by volunteers from local churches who give their time and talent to serve.

Love In the Name of Christ of Montgomery County dba LINC MoCo is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt charity, EIN 92-0387621. All contributions are tax-deductible in full or in part as determined by each donor’s tax status.

Donations received on a regular schedule provide sustainable, reliable income that allow current services to continue and enable planning for new initiatives to help our neighbors in need in greater ways.

One time or monthly donations may be made by:
Credit Card: Use the form to the right.
Cash/Check: you can drop it off at our office or mail it in.

Make check payable to:
Love INC of Montgomery County

Drop at or mail to:
Love INC of Montgomery County
7501 Muncaster Mill Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Automatic Bank Draft (EFT): Most banks allow their customers to set up an automatic recurring payment quickly and without charge. This is usually found online or in the phone app under PAY BILLS. If you have questions, please email or call LINC MoCo.

We are so grateful for our Love INC volunteers, donors, and partners! Thank You for incredibly generous support of our mission!!

To manage your online giving, set up your kindful account here.

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