Over a year ago, Love INC of Montgomery County received a call from a concerned brother about his 78-year-old younger sister, Faith, who was isolated, fearful, and in desperate need of medical care. The LINC Connection Center sprang into action, linking Faith with partner churches, Stephen’s Ministry, Meals on Wheels, Gaithersburg HELP, MoCo social workers, and other supportive neighbors and groups. She received weekly visits from a Covenant Life Church Stephen’s Minister, support and transportation services for two eye surgeries, free emergency dental care, and help selecting and moving to an assisted living community. Through LINC’s consistent support over the year there has been remarkable growth and grace in her life.
Faith experienced the power of love through relationships. She reunited with her brother after 40 years of estrangement, expressed gratitude where there was once none, regained significant independence, and transitioned from isolation to a supportive community in an adult care facility.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2
This beautiful transformation was made possible through the partnership between churches, nonprofits, and local government agencies. Love INC, fulfilling its mission, connected the church and these organizations, exemplifying the true